0902 321 889 - 0938 188 633
200 đường Ba Tháng Hai, Phường 12, Quận 10

Rental fee for apartment in Ha Do Centrosa Garden district 10, 1-3 bedroom

16 million VND/month
  • Type: Apartment
  • Need: For Rent
  • Furniture: Full

If you are traveller or specialists working oversea and you are looking for a luxury place to live; Ha Do Centrosa Garden is the best choice up to now. This project locate in district 10 nne of the busiest growing places in Ho Chi Minh City. In particular, the most attractive thing of this luxury apartment is the French architectural design, along with the most modern furniture, the rental fee of Ha Do apartment in District 10 is unexpensive compared to all the benefit that project bring to you.

Each room inside the apartment always has windows. You can see the city through your window.It’s so beautifull at night.Besides that, Furniture were imported from Europe, and decorated as 5 star hotel, which bring inspiration and convenient.

Living room is connected with other rooms, where you can relax and enjoy your time here. The atmosphere in this room surely nice and comfortable

Even though in the bedroom, Ha Do Centrosa set 1st priority is nature light. This means in the bedroom there are windows, so that you can have a tight sleep with windy and shiny.

Rental fee for apartment in Ha Do Centrosa Garden District 10 1bedroom, 2bedrooms, 3bedrooms

❖ 1Bedroom , Full furnished , Rental fee 16 million VND/ month (BEST PRICE)
❖ 1Bedroom , Full furnished , Rental fee 18 million VND/ month
❖ 2 Bedrooms, Full furnished, Rental fee 23 million VND/ month
❖ 2 Bedrooms, Full and nice furnished, rental fee 26 million VND/ month
❖ 3 Bedrooms, Full furnished, move as soon as posible rental fee 38 million VND/month

Contact us 30 minutes before viewing those apartments.

Choosing Apartment in Ha Do Centrosa Garden is a smart choice at this moment. Since its benefit bring to the residents, we can enjoy every moment at here. Please contact hotline Business Department for more details.

Investor Sale Department:

☎ Phone number: 0901 356 998 ( Mr Tommy)

☎ Phone number: 0902 321 889 (Mr. Tony)

☎ Phone number: 0938 188 633 (Ms. Thi)

  • ID: 7145
  • Published: 19/08/2019
  • Last Update: 14/12/2019
  • Views: 483